CANDI students take part in Intramural College Sport Festival at University of East London - CCCG Tracking Pixel
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CANDI students take part in Intramural College Sport Festival at University of East London

Students visit the University of East London to attend the Intramural College Sports Festival.

A small group of students from City and Islington College (CANDI) participated in a range of sports at the University of East London (UEL) Intramural College Sports Festival.

CANDI students take part in Intramural College Sport Festival at University of East London

The event, which took place on 17 April at UEL’s SportsDock facility, encouraged students to compete against other colleges, participate in new sports and explore the university’s sports facilities. The five students, who came from CANDI’s Centre for Applied Sciences and Centre for Business, Arts and Technology (CBAT) were joined by Student Engagement Officer Natascia Bernardi at the event. 

The sports festival began with a presentation of the sports courses and activities available at UEL. The students then had the opportunity to play against other colleges in handball, wheelchair basketball and badminton competitions. The CANDI students had arrived expecting to compete only in badminton, but were then challenged to try new sports such as wheelchair basketball and handball.

Chloe, a CANDI student who attended the event, said: “I really enjoyed it even though it didn’t go as expected.”

The Intramural College Sports Festival at UEL offered students the chance to expand their sporting experience, visit a university and learn more about sports in a higher education setting. The visit is just one of the many enrichment activities organised by our dedicated Student Engagement Officers to enhance the students’ college experience.

Capital City College Group (CCCG) is dedicated to providing excellent sporting opportunities. We offer a wide range of Sports and Fitness Courses and Sports Science Courses and all students aged 16-19 are eligible to join one of our Sports Academies, which provide students with access to professional training, valuable advice and competitive opportunities.


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