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Recruitment services for employers

We offer a free recruitment service for employers to help businesses innovate in the changing economy by introducing them to the right candidates with the passion and potential to make a difference in the workplace.

Recruitment services for employers

We work with employers in a wide range of industries – from hospitality and healthcare to business and legal services. Our work supports a wide range of industries and types of business and we work with entrepreneurs and small businesses (SMEs) through to corporations, government departments and large agencies.

Our Apprenticeships, short courses and bespoke training courses in London are targeted to meet the capital’s workforce needs.

Recruiting apprentices

An apprentice is a real job backed by a supporting skills development programme. Apprentices gain the technical knowledge, practical experience and broad skillset they need for their current job and future career. The training combines hands-on learning in the workplace, formal study, and the chance to put new skills into practice in a real work environment.

Our apprenticeship courses cover all major business specialisms – including construction, hospitality, human resources, healthcare, science, management, business and legal services. With the importance of technology in today’s workplaces, this includes updating aptitudes through digital apprenticeships and technical apprenticeships. We have worked with more than 500 organisations in the public and private sectors to fill skills gaps and keep pace with market changes.

We will help you:

  • Recruit the best candidate for your role
  • Choose an employer-approved apprenticeship standard and customise the training to suit your business
  • Run the apprenticeship scheme to ensure success
  • Support your in-house team to provide mentoring and workplace training
  • Ensure that the training meets your industry standards
  • Access funded training through the Apprenticeship Levy

Find out more about hiring an apprentice here.

Recruiting other staff

We help employers find talented, already qualified team members. We’ll help to analyse your business needs and find the right recruit by:

  • Using our networks to identify potential candidates
  • Writing a job description
  • Advertising the post through a mix of media
  • Screening and selecting the best applicants
  • Helping you with interviews

Training for work

Sometimes the right recruit needs to bridge their academic qualifications to enhance employability with skills specific to your industry. Our free short courses and bespoke training packages can unlock the potential that adds innovation to your organisation.

A well-designed staff training programme is also an important part of your employee benefits programme. Training that supports career development is a reward that helps retain top talent. A highly regarded training offer is also attractive to discerning new recruits who are shortlisting job specs by the benefits on offer.

Our recruitment service is completely free – to get started, call us on 0207 391 6400 or fill in our form below!

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