You might decide to study abroad for the full duration of your course, for a year or just a semester. Some higher education courses, such as language degrees, also require some time to be spent abroad.
Studying abroad is an incredible adventure that offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, gain a global perspective, and develop a deeper understanding of the world. It’s a chance to make lifelong friends from diverse backgrounds, learn a new language, and embrace new academic challenges while building independence and adaptability.
There are many reasons why students choose to study abroad:
Whatever your reasons for going abroad you will need to research and prepare for your time abroad.
More and more UK universities have campuses abroad. Studying at a UK Branch university means you would gain a recognised UK qualification, be taught in the English language, whilst also having a study abroad experience- much sought after by employers in a global jobs market.
Fees for university study abroad can vary greatly. As it stands, you cannot access student finance loans from Student Finance England to study abroad. Scholarships for international students are often available direct from the university.
For further information on studying abroad, visit the websites of the universities, ‘Studying overseas‘, ‘Applying to study abroad‘ and ‘General visa and immigration information for studying abroad‘ pages on UCAS.
Additionally, look at information on Top Universities.
If you want to discuss University Abroad, speak with your personal tutor or an adviser from the Careers and Employability team.