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Taking on an Apprentice – Everything you Need to Know

Apprenticeships are vital for providing the next generation of professionals with the necessary training and hands-on experience needed for them to succeed. Although apprentices are commonplace in the modern business world, some employers are unfamiliar with the process of hiring an apprentice and how it could benefit them.

In the digital age where the business world continues to evolve and progress, the need for young minds and innovation is more important than ever. It’s for this reason that apprentices and apprenticeship schemes have become a cornerstone of a vast range of industries.

Employing an apprentice is different from hiring an employee, as they will require more in the way of training, guidance and funding. In this post, we’ll highlight a few of the things you need to know about taking on an apprentice.

You’ll Benefit from a Recruitment Consultation

Although there are lots of young people out there eager to find a career, many of whom are suitable for your industry, this doesn’t mean you should sit around and wait for them to knock on your door. Finding the perfect apprentice for your workforce is essential – and the best way to do so is recruitment. At Capital City College Training, we can help with that.

We offer a dedicated recruitment service for free as part of our apprenticeship provision. This will help us to create an effective recruitment campaign by familiarising ourselves with your company and goals, as well as your proposed management and training strategy for an apprentice.

Apprenticeship Funding

Apprenticeship funding has changed somewhat recently with the introduction of the apprenticeship levy. This is a government plan to create three million new apprenticeships by 2020, while encouraging employers to invest in apprentices.

Funding is an essential part of hiring an apprentice, but how it all works can be very confusing. This is why we offer a one-stop service for employers to guide them through the funding process and how to navigate new funding arrangements. This will also be a brilliant way of ensuring that you and your workforce get the most out of the funds available.

Current Employees Can Benefit From Apprenticeships

You may be quick to assume that apprentices are mainly school leavers or those who are yet to dip their toes in your industry. But you can also use apprenticeships as a way to train your current employees, whether it’s to boost skills in their current role or allow them to step up the ladder into management positions through training.

The government apprenticeship levy allows you to train current employees and also take on apprentices at an entry level. At Capital City College Training, we offer free consultations to guide businesses through the apprenticeship process, which includes the options available in regards to funding and training.

Hiring an Apprentice Can Improve Your Business

According to the Department for Education, 75% of small and medium businesses employing apprentices have reported increased productivity. It also listed the following additional benefits:

  • Improved product or service quality
  • Increased staff morale
  • Better staff retention
  • Apprentices introduce fresh ideas
  • Improved overall image
  • More likely to attract quality staff
  • Lower overall wage bill

Such a wide range of benefits – all of which focus on different areas and aspects of a business – demonstrate how influential the eager, fresh-thinking attitude of an apprentice can be. Employing an apprentice is very much a give-and-take relationship. As the employer, you are providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. The apprentice, meanwhile, has the potential to improve your company in any of the ways mentioned above. It’s a win-win situation!

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