Enrolment for 2024 is now closed - Capital City College Tracking Pixel Tracking Pixel
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Enrolment for 2024 is now closed

Enrolment will open in August 2025 for courses starting from September 2025. Please check back for further updates.

How to enrol

  • If you have already applied to study with us: Log into the applicant portal, check your information is up-to-date, and then come to the centres to complete enrolment (see enrolment times below).
  • If you have not applied to study with us yet: choose a course, apply online, and pop down to the campus to complete the enrolment process, or you can also apply from one of our centers.

If you have already enrolled, find out more about your first day at college and other induction information.

Not applied yet? Check out our wide range of courses and apply now!

Enrolment times

Enrolment times will be released in August 2025, please check back for further updates.

What documents should I bring to enrolment?

Enrolment will take approximately 2 hours, and you will need to bring certain documents, depending on your circumstances. The documents we will need to see may include:

If you are aged 16-18

If you are aged 16-18 you will need proof of your qualifications:

  • Results slip, or
  • Results qualifications

Proof of residency. The following documents are accepted:

  • UK passport or proof of EU Settled Status, or
  • Full British birth certificate, or
  • Home office documents, or
  • Non-EU passport showing a valid visa for residence in the UK

You can find more detailed information about what proof you can bring to prove that you meet the criteria by clicking here. On this page, you will also find information about what documents you will need to be able to apply for the different types of funding that are available to cover the cost of your course.

If you are aged 19+

If you are aged 19+ you will need proof of your qualifications:

  • Results slips, or
  • Results qualifications

Proof of residency. The following documents are accepted:

  • UK passport or proof of EU Settled Status, or
  • Full British birth certificate, or
  • Home office documents, or
  • Non-EU passport showing a valid visa for residence in the UK

Proof of employment status or income:

  • Recent wage slip or a current employment contract which states your gross monthly/annual wage, or
  • Evidence of your benefits (if you are unemployed). Evidence of your benefits has to be dated within 3 months of the start date of your course.

You can find more detailed information about what proof you can bring to prove that you meet the criteria here. On this page, you will also find information about what documents you will need to provide to join our courses for free. Overall, 94.2% of our students study for free at our college.

If you do not have evidence of your UK residency or proof of benefits or income, please contact us here to discuss.

Are your GCSE results different to what you expected? No problem!

Whether your grades are higher or lower than you thought, we’ve got you covered. With hundreds of courses to choose from and campuses across London, we’ll find the perfect fit for you – A Levels, T Levels, and Technical Vocational courses.

Pop into your nearest campus or call our admissions hotline on 020 7832 5000.

Click here for the locations of our campuses.

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