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Advanced Learner Loans

Are you over 19? Do you want to return to study or get ahead at work? The Government’s Advanced Learner Loan could help pay for your tuition to study a course at Level 3 or above.

Whether you’re a parent returning to work, a job seeker looking to enhance your employment prospects, or you’re thinking about a career change, there’s a course for you. Don’t let the thought of tuition fees stand in your way of getting the qualifications you need.

To be eligible you need to be:

  • Aged 19 or over on the first day of your course
  • Starting your course on or after 1 August
  • Living in the UK on the first day of your course and have lived in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for three years immediately before this
  • Studying an eligible course at an approved college or training organisation in England such as Capital City College.
  • Enrolling on an eligible course at Level 3 and above which includes: Access to HE Diplomas, as well as other Diplomas and Certificates.

Find out more about Advanced Learner Loans on the GOV website.

Once you are offered a place at the college on an eligible course, you will be sent a Learning and Funding Information Letter (LaFIL) which has all the information you will need to make a loan application. Please do not apply for an Advanced Learner Loan without this letter.

If you require any further information please contact us using the details below.

If you have a question about coming to study at one of our colleges or about specific courses, please contact us

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