What are the advantages of Degree Apprenticeships? - CCCG Tracking Pixel
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What are the advantages of Degree Apprenticeships?

Gain skills and experience in an actual paid job while studying for a degree without any tuition fees.

What are the advantages of Degree Apprenticeships?

The number of people taking degree apprenticeships is continuing to rise.

According to GOV.UK, the number starting degree apprenticeships in 2022-23 was up by 14 per cent to 20,060 compared to the previous academic year.

Increasingly, students and apprentices at Capital City College Group (CCCG) are looking to degree apprenticeships as an alternative to full-time study at university to get the skills for their career.

So, what are degree apprenticeships and what are the benefits?

Degree apprenticeships are actual jobs that enable you gain a degree while you work, typically spending 80 per cent of your time at work and 20 per cent studying at university.

Note that degree apprenticeships in Scotland are called graduate apprenticeships and in Northern Ireland most higher apprenticeships are only up to Level 5, the equivalent of a foundation degree.

Degree apprenticeships are open to all ages and entry requirements are similar to those for university, such as  A Levels or an equivalent Level 3 qualification or apprenticeship. However, it is also likely you will have to go through an application process and attend an interview with the employer.

There are certain professions where you cannot take a degree apprenticeship, such as a doctor, but there are so many areas where you can. These include accounting, business, construction, engineering, law, nursing, agriculture, hospitality and IT.

While you will not get the full experience of going to university, you will be able to apply what you are learning in a real work environment, gain knowledge from people already working in the sector and learn additional skills.

Apprenticeships are also an opportunity to impress an employer who might take you on after you have completed your training. They are also a chance to develop soft skills all employers want including leadership, teamwork, decision making, time management and problem solving.

Imtiyaz Rahman, 18, secured a place on a degree apprenticeship with tech giant IBM after gaining D*D*D on an IT Level 3 Diploma at City and Islington College last summer.

He saw the fact that the apprenticeship was giving him a career and an education as a real advantage in the industry, not to mention his employer would be paying his tuition fees.

“I’m interested in many different aspects of IT. On the one hand I’m interested in the hardware side, but since I’ve been at IBM I’ve been shown some new aspects of software and cloud-based technology that I never knew about, which has also piqued my interest,” he said.

Imtiyaz, whose interest in tech began at an early age. explained that his diploma at CANDI gave him a realistic expectation of what it would be like to work in IT.

“This is a potential career opportunity at a great company that’s well known within the industry, which will give me the skills and experience over the next three years that I might not get just at university,” he said.

CCCG does not offer degree apprenticeships but we do offer a range of apprenticeships from Level 2 to Level 5 with many large companies, which can lead to progression with them at a higher level. More than half of apprentices on our Surveying Technician Level 3 Apprenticeship progress to a degree apprenticeship with their employer.

Finding a degree apprenticeship is easy. Employers advertise for them on their own websites, GOV.UK, Linkedin, job boards and other recruitment sites as well as university websites.

Find out about more about our courses and apprenticeships here.


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