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Finding Out Essential Information: Our Top 10 Questions to Ask at an Open Day

If you’re about to attend an open day but you’re not sure what sort of things to ask about, we’ll help you get started with our top 10 essential questions.

Open days offer a fantastic opportunity to learn as much as you can about a prospective college. There will be tours, talks and taster sessions, as well as plenty of time to ask questions. 

The open day may be busy, so we’ve put together a list of our top 10 questions to help you cover some of the essentials.

1. What do you look for in students who are applying for this course?

This is a great question to ask the teachers during the open day. If a course is competitive, find out what the minimum GCSE, Maths and English requirements are. Some of our courses don’t have a minimum requirement, and with hundreds of courses to choose from, there’s something for everyone. 

2. What does the course cover?

A prospectus or a website can give you a good general idea about the courses on offer, but now’s the time to find out more. Speak to subject teachers and students about the content of different courses so that you can find the right one for you.

3. What are the teaching methods used on the course?

You’ll be investing time and energy into your course, so it’s important to think about whether the course matches your learning style. Do you prefer formal teaching or practical tasks? Don’t be afraid to ask teachers about their methods – it’s a good way to know what to expect if you choose their course.

Finding Out Essential Information: Our Top 10 Questions to Ask at an Open Day

4. How is the course assessed?

Completing the course is one thing, but passing assessments is another. You’ll want to get the best grades possible, so think about how your learning and performance are measured. Find out when assessments take place, how you’ll prepare for them and if they count towards your final grade.  

5. What are the subject-specific facilities for this course?

All our colleges have a library (which you should definitely check out), but it’s also important to take a look at our specialist facilities. If you’re considering a course in fashion, what workshop or studio facilities are available? If you’re a scientist, check out the labs and equipment on offer. 

6. What clubs and societies can I get involved in?

All work and no play is not healthy for any student. Think about what you like to do in your free time and find out about groups that you could join. Going to college is a great opportunity to branch out and try something different, so look out for activities that will challenge you and help you grow!

Finding Out Essential Information: Our Top 10 Questions to Ask at an Open Day

7. What financial help is available for students?

There are a range of bursaries and financial support schemes available to students – so don’t be afraid to ask and see if you’re eligible. Find out about discounted travel and other schemes that can help you save money while you study. 

8. What support services do you have?

With new courses and friends, the transition to college or university is an enormous one. It’s a good idea to find out what support services students have access to. Your wellbeing should be a priority, so make sure you know what’s available for when you need a little extra support.

9. What have previous students of this course gone on to do?

Career prospects are a huge consideration when starting any new course. Find out what career services are available and what events and support the college offers. Ask about links with relevant companies and organisations that could help with future employment. Enquiring about what past students are doing now will give you an idea of future possibilities.

10. Why should I study here?

Keep this question in your mind throughout the open day. You could even ask current students and teachers what their answer would be!

If you’re interested in attending an open day at one of our colleges, we have a range of open days coming up. Book your place here.


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