Capital City College apprentice receives Outstanding Apprentice Award - CCC Tracking Pixel
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Capital City College apprentice receives Outstanding Apprentice Award

Capital City College apprentices were recognised for their hard work and dedication at the London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust Apprentice Awards.

On 2 February, apprentices from Apprenticeships+ joined fellow apprentices employed by the London North West University Healthcare Trust to celebrate the completion of their courses.

The Apprenticeship Graduation Awards, which was organised by Bambi Gami, Apprenticeships and Widening Participation Lead at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust, took place at the Education Centre within Northwick Park Hospital and marked the start of National Apprenticeship Week.

Capital City College apprentice receives Outstanding Apprentice Award

In addition to graduating from their courses, two apprentices from Capital City College (CCC) received further accolades. Following nominations from Kealey Schuler, the Pharmacy Vocational Coach at Apprenticeships+, Rajanikant Bhanderi and Nabila Istane won Outstanding Apprentice Awards. Rajanikant, who completed the Pharmacy Services Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship, attended the event in person to collect his award which recognised his consistent hard work and dedication to his studies.

Kealey Schuler said: “Raj was always a pleasure to work with, bright, friendly and happy to meet with me. His work was to a high standard, visually engaging and demonstrating complete understanding. He was receptive to feedback and from the reflections he wrote about, is a competent and supportive member of staff.”

Capital City College apprentice receives Outstanding Apprentice Award

Nabila Istane, who completed the Pharmacy Services Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship and the Health Pharmacy Services Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship, was nominated for her commitment to her work and excellent communication skills. Keeley Schuler said: “The feedback from her managers and colleagues was positive and she was and continues to be a valued member of staff, one that can be relied upon to support the team along with developing her own practice. We have seen her grow in confidence during college lessons and her contributions during class are always well thought out and positive. She excels in all subjects and continues to produce gold standard work, showing great aptitude for pharmacy and will be an asset to the profession once qualified.”

The Apprenticeship Graduation Awards began with a welcome from Goretti Dowdican-McAndrew, Head of Multi-Professional Clinical Education Development, and opening remarks from Simon Crawford, the Deputy Chief Executive. Attendees then heard more about the journey of an apprentice from Priya Kumar (Consultant Paediatrics) and Asta Brieteryte (PMO Analyst). This was followed by presentations to the Apprenticeship Graduates and the announcement of the Outstanding Apprentice Awards. After closing remarks from Tracey Connage, Chief People Officer, the Apprentice Graduates and guests enjoyed refreshments and the opportunity to network with other attendees.

Congratulations to Rajanikant Bhanderi and Nabila Istane on completing your apprenticeships and winning the Outstanding Apprentice Awards!

There are many benefits to doing an apprenticeship – from the flexibility they offer to the added bonus to earn while you learn. Why not take a look at the wide range of apprenticeships we offer to see if there’s a course that appeals to you?


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