Capital City College Group signs a partnership agreement with Guangdong Construction Polytechnic in China - CCCG Tracking Pixel
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Capital City College Group signs a partnership agreement with Guangdong Construction Polytechnic in China

Capital City College Group’s (CCCG) International team welcomed senior representatives from Guangdong Construction Vocational Technology Institute on a visit to London to sign an official Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two institutions. Joining the meeting was the Chairman, YE Feisong, alongside CCCG’s CEO Andy Wilson, newly-appointed Operations Director of CCCT Jackie Chapman and Seungeun Chang, Head of International Operations for CCCT.

This meeting signals the start of an intended cooperation between the institutions, which is expected to see the delivery of training and sharing best practice.

The meeting was followed by a visit to Berkeley Group where our Chinese partners met with Stav Aristokle Hill, Apprenticeship Programme Manager, who provided an informative presentation sharing the work Berkeley does with Apprentices from the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, part of CCCG.

Andy Wilson, CEO of the CCCG Group said: ‘“It was exciting to host this senior delegation from Guandong Construction Polytechnic and, in particular, to compare our aspirations for Apprenticeships in our respective countries. I look forward to developing a strong relationship and continuing to learn from each other’s experiences”.


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