CANDI students celebrate Earth Day 2024 - CCCG Tracking Pixel
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CANDI students celebrate Earth Day 2024

ESOL students from CANDI learn to reduce waste and recycle during an Earth Day event.

A group of ESOL students from City and Islington College’s (CANDI) Centre for Lifelong Learning in Finsbury Park embraced Earth Day on 22 April by taking part in a creative waste-reducing activity.

CANDI students celebrate Earth Day 2024

The students, who are all studying Level 1 ESOL, participated in a Planet vs Plastic Planting Activity organised by Ben Holdaway, Student Engagement Officer at CANDI’s Centre for Lifelong Learning.

A total of 26 students took part in the event, which promoted reducing and reusing plastic waste while also teaching students how to sow herb, vegetable and flower seeds.

CANDI students celebrate Earth Day 2024

During the activity, students used plastic water bottles to create a seed planter that included  in-built drainage and watering systems. The task challenged the ESOL students to listen to and follow instructions as well as communicate with their peers and support staff in order to complete the task.

Ben Holdaway, Student Engagement Officer at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, said: “It’s great to see students outside of the classroom learning new skills for later life whilst encouraging them to live sustainably.”

Jessica Truong, ESOL Curriculum Manager, said: “The planting activity was an excellent opportunity for students to learn how to reuse plastic bottles to grow vegetables.  Students were very engaged and enjoyed the activity.”

CANDI students celebrate Earth Day 2024

Mohammed Ohaj, an ESOL student who took part in the activity, said: “I enjoyed making the bottles and planting. […] It was fun.”

Capital City College Group (CCCG) is committed to the London Mayor’s goal of Net Carbon Zero by 2030. By embedding valuable opportunities for learning about sustainability in student courses, the college group’s Estates team and teaching staff aim to raise awareness and inspire students to engage in positive environmental action.


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