Qualification Results 2020 - Important Information - Capital City College Tracking Pixel
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Qualification Results 2020 – Important Information

Update: 19 August 2020

Our A Level students have now been sent a copy of their Centre Assessment Grades (CAGs) via email.

Our GCSE students will receive their results tomorrow via email, reflecting the new guidance from the government.

Qualification Results 2020 – Important Information

We have been advised this afternoon by Pearson (the Awarding Body for BTECs) that they will be reviewing and regrading many Level 1 and Level 2 BTEC qualifications, as well as some at Level 3. We’re sorry, but we cannot issue any results for these BTECs until we have received new grades from Pearson. In the meantime, Pearson have asked schools and colleges not to issue results to students for the above qualifications. More detail is in Pearson’s statement here.

Here you can find some key information you may need to go alongside the results.

If you are unhappy about the grades you have received, please do not contact your teacher – please see below for further information:


This year, results were provided based on the guidelines provided by the government’s ‘exceptional arrangements for assessment and grading in 2020’. You will be able to appeal if you wish. The grounds for appeal under these circumstances are restricted to:

  • administrative errors in processing your grades, or
  • procedural error

In the event that you want appeal, please send your appeals to ResultsAppeal2020@capitalccg.ac.uk accompanied with your results, stating your student ID, course of study and the grounds of your appeal within 5 days of tomorrow. Please remember to send your results slip or we will be unable to process your appeal.

We aim to get back to you within 5 days of receiving your appeal with an outcome detailing the next steps.


You will still have the opportunity to sit exams in Autumn 2020. You will not have to pay examination fees as we will pay the fees for you. The higher of the grades achieved in either the exam or estimated grade will be the final outcome.

If you wish to sit the Autumn exams, please register your interest by emailing postresults@capitalccg.ac.uk with your full name, student ID number and the subject(s) you wish to sit before 28 August 2020. 

Advice and Guidance

If you are looking for further advice and support about what to do next, please contact us – you can also get in touch using our Live Chat (bottom right of this page) or our Facebook page.

Paper Results Slips

All WestKing students will receive their results in the morning of results day by email. If you have applied to university through UCAS, your results will also have been sent to UCAS.

We will be posting a physical paper copy of your results to your home address as soon as possible, but this will be delayed due to social distancing and reduced numbers of staff in our college buildings – please ensure you use your attached digital results slip in the meantime. We can confirm your grades to a third party if needed.


Awarding bodies will issue certificates, as usual, in the autumn. These are usually processed by late October and we plan to send certificates to home addresses as soon as we receive them from the awarding bodies. 

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