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10 Fascinating Careers in Science: Do something amazing!

We celebrate British Science Week with a selection of exciting science-based careers.

It’s British Science Week, a time to celebrate all things scientific and marvel at the diverse people and careers across the fields of science and engineering!

If you enjoy exploring what the world of science has to offer, then perhaps you should consider one of these fascinating careers.

10 Fascinating Careers in Science: Do something amazing!

1. Chemical Engineer

A sort of scientific magician, chemical engineers come up with ways to transform raw materials into something new. Using their in-depth knowledge of chemistry, chemical engineers can work in research and development, usually based in a lab, testing ways to develop products and using computer models to find the safest and most economical methods of production. This is a role that can also exist within manufacturing, where a chemical engineer designs, monitors or oversees a processing plant and deals with production issues.

2. Clinical Scientist

If you love biology, enjoy problem-solving or reasoning challenges, get excited by laboratory science and want to be at the forefront of medical discovery, then becoming a clinical scientist could be up your street. Clinical scientists develop new equipment and medical techniques to support the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of medical issues. This is a role that allows you to focus on science while also working with people. Clinical scientists share their knowledge of equipment and products with medical professionals and investigate the causes of people’s illnesses.

10 Fascinating Careers in Science: Do something amazing!

3. Ecologist

Are you the sort of person whose eagle eyes can spot interesting natural features and creatures when you’re out and about? Perhaps a career in ecology would suit you. Ecologists study how plants, animals and the environment affect each other. Day-to-day, an ecologist might conduct surveys, collecting and analysing data on environmental conditions, plants and animals. They’ll often use this information to advise on the impact of construction and farming on a specific area. Ecologists can also work on conservation projects and help raise awareness about ecological issues within the community.

4. Food Scientist/Technologist

Imagine Willy Wonka in a lab coat and you’ve got yourself a food scientist or food technologist. These roles centre around the development of food and drink products, with an emphasis on ensuring that they’re safe for human consumption. A food scientist is responsible for providing the correct nutritional information for food labels, testing food for quality and safety, and developing ways to keep food safe, fresh and visually appealing. A food technologist focuses more on the development of recipes, thinking about food production, looking at costs for raw ingredients and investigating quality control issues.

10 Fascinating Careers in Science: Do something amazing!

5. Forensic Scientist

Working in a role that blends forensic science expertise with legal knowledge, this is a career that suits those who can work under pressure, spot the smallest details and apply logic and reasoning to a range of tasks. A forensic scientist might be asked to analyse samples from crime scenes, give advice on explosives and firearms, extract data from electronic devices or analyse handwriting and signatures. Their expertise is vital for the preparation of evidence which is used in courts and legal cases.

6. Geologist

The ‘rock’ stars of the science world, geologists study the structure of the Earth. They look at how our incredible planet was formed and analyse rocks to find out more about its naturally occurring energy resources and minerals. Geologists need a deep understanding of maths and geography as well as a knowledge of engineering science, technology, physics and chemistry. They need strong analytical skills and a creative mind in order to develop innovative ideas into usable processes. Geologists travel to various sites to assess the ground and study the rocks in each setting, taking samples and recording essential information to find valuable resources. Geologists also play an important part in protecting people from natural disasters such as earthquakes, and may also be involved in studying seismic and volcanic activity.

10 Fascinating Careers in Science: Do something amazing!

7. Nanotechnologist

If you’re fascinated by the super-small, working as a nanotechnologist could be for you. Nanotechnologists work with materials on a tiny scale, using their science and technology skills and their knowledge of physics to design and build new devices and materials on the nanoscale. The nanoscale relates to things from 0.1 to 100 nanometers (nm) in size – for context, a human hair is about 80,000- 100,000 nm wide.  Working within a range of fields like medicine, engineering science and manufacturing, nanotechnologists build things on the nanoscale before testing and analysing them. Nanotechnologists are often academics working towards a PhD, so they are often involved in writing articles, bidding for funding and creating reports.

8. Robotics Engineer

Combining skills spanning engineering, technology, computer operating systems and maths, the role of the robotics engineer is to design and build machines to do things for us. Working within exciting, constantly evolving industries like aerospace and medicine, robotics engineers design automated systems, build and test prototypes, analyse data and create reports on risks and issues. It’s a field that has embraced artificial intelligence, using it to enhance existing technology and take us into the future.

10 Fascinating Careers in Science: Do something amazing!

9. Textiles Technician

If you’ve ever looked at an item of clothing and instantly come up with three ways to improve it, a role in textiles could be a good fit for you. Also known as garment technologists, textile technicians are responsible for choosing which designs and fabrics work best to produce items of clothing at a specific cost.  They do this by keeping a close eye on every stage of garment production, from fabric testing to sample fitting. They use their knowledge of production methods and quality analysis skills to give advice on the best materials and designs for a product, as well as analysing product queries, returns and faults.

10. Zoologist

There’s more to being a zoologist than feeding the animals at your local zoo – it’s a varied and fascinating role that could take you all over the world. Combining knowledge of biology and animal care, zoologists can work in fields such as agriculture, conservation or for the government, often specialising in one area such as birds or reptiles. Zoologists work both in labs and in the field, working to gather and analyse information and produce detailed reports or publish articles on their findings. 

To find out more about any of these careers, you can consult the National Careers Service online.

Take your first step towards a fascinating career in science by applying for our Science and Forensics or Engineering courses!


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