Want to go to university? Don’t miss the UCAS application deadline - Capital City College Tracking Pixel
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Want to go to university? Don’t miss the UCAS application deadline

The deadline for students to submit applications to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is fast approaching for courses starting in September.

Want to go to university? Don’t miss the UCAS application deadline

Last year more than 2,300 students from across Capital City College Group (CCCG) progressed to higher education including university and degree apprenticeships.

CCCG comprises City and Islington College, Westminster Kingsway College and the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, and apprenticeship and training provider Capital City College Training.

The deadline for applications to Oxford or Cambridge, or veterinary, medicine and dentistry courses was in October, but for all other university undergraduate courses it is 25 January at 6pm.

Applications made through schools and colleges must be made by this date to give teachers and careers teams enough time to review them and provide references before they are sent to UCAS.

Students can apply after this date, but their chosen course might be full and their application will not be given priority by UCAS.

Key UCAS dates in 2023

23 February 2023

UCAS Extra opens. Extra is another chance for students to gain a place at university between 23 February and 4 July. Students who have used all five of their choices in their application but not received an offer or have declined a place can add another choice.

Students who have not used all five of their choices can sign in to their original application and add another choice by 30 June as long as they have not accepted or declined any offers.

Students who do not have any offers by 5 July will be able to add an additional choice during Clearing.

30 June 2023

UCAS will send all applications received by 6pm on this date to students’ chosen universities or colleges. Applications received after this date will automatically be entered into Clearing.

5 July 2023

Clearing opens. Students can apply for a course through Clearing if they have not received or met the conditions of an offer or declined a place.

17 August

A Level Results Day. Students receive their exam results and can apply for a place through Clearing.

17 October

The deadline for making a final choice through Clearing. UCAS must receive applications by 6pm.

Find our more information about UCAS applications here.

Apply for our Higher Education courses here.


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