CCC's Sixth Form hosts A Level taster for incoming students - Capital City College Tracking Pixel
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CCC’s Sixth Form hosts A Level taster for incoming students

Year 11 students from a range of schools get a taste of college life during the A Level experience event at Capital City College’s Sixth Form in Angel.

The Sixth Form in Angel opened its doors to students who have applied to study with them in the coming academic year. On 20 March, Year 11 students hoping to begin A Level courses at CANDI in September 2024 had the chance to explore the centre and gain experience of college life.

The event provided the incoming cohort of students with an informative and valuable opportunity, offering them the chance to familiarise themselves with the college setting and get a taste of what A Level studies involve.

CCC’s Sixth Form hosts A Level taster for incoming students

Dominic Eady, Deputy Head of the Sixth Form said: “It’s about giving them the experience of what it’s like to think like an A Level student, to create like an A Level student and to engage in discussion and debate, like an A Level student.”

During the event, one of the student ambassadors reflected on their own experience of attending a similar taster event prior to beginning their studies. They said: “I think days like these are really helpful because they help you make friends and see what subjects you’re going to do before you actually pick them. When I was in Year 11, I came to one of these and I made some friends. It made induction day much easier because I had more people to talk to and it was less scary.”


This week we hosted an A Level experience taster day for year 11 students who have applied to our Sixth Form for next year! 🤩✨ Studying A Levels at one of our colleges with us gives you options and flexibility; a Sixth Form College in Islington, or an A Level centre within 5 minutes of King’s Cross with the perfect hybrid of support and freedom – you are treated as an adult, so you’re ready for university, but given the support you need to succeed in your A Levels. 🙌 Many of our students go on to study at Russell Group universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, UCL and King’s College London. 🎉 Click the link in our bio to learn more. #college #london #alevels #cityandislingtoncollege #lifeatcccg

♬ original sound – Capital City College

The Sixth Form in Angel offers the widest range of A Level courses in London. Furnished with exceptional state-of-the-art facilities to support student independence and learning, it provides a comfortable student-centred setting, with well-stocked study spaces and a choice of communal areas. 

The Sixth Form provides a nurturing community for people aged 16-18 as well as supporting academic growth – with 91% of students gaining a place at their first choice of university.

Capital City College offers the largest selection of A Levels in London, delivered at our Sixth Form in Angel, London, and King’s Cross centre.

Select your chosen A Level subjects and apply now!


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