Applications for courses starting in 2024 are now open. Find out more here.
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Westminster Kingsway College is one of the largest further education colleges in central London with a diverse student body of around 14,000 learners, who travel to its outstanding centres in King’s Cross (Camden), Victoria (Westminster) Regent’s Park, and Soho, to study on acclaimed vocational and academic courses. Each centre offers an extensive range of academic and vocational courses for all 16-18-year-olds and adult learners, with a specialist centre in Camden for those with learning difficulties and disabilities.
WestKing offers A Levels, A Level Intensives, T Levels, technical vocational courses (diplomas, certificates and awards, including BTECs, University of the Arts London, City & Guilds and more), and higher education courses (HNC, HND, Foundation Degree and Bachelor’s Degrees). WestKing is also a nationally-recognised Careers College for its digital and health and social care sectors, recognising its excellence in helping students find work in these industries.