The Turing Scheme is the UK’s global study and work programme and replaced the European Union’s Erasmus scheme following Brexit. The 20-day trip to South Korea has been organised in partnership with Keimyung College University (KMCU) in Daegu, Kyungbuk College in Yeongju and JEI University in Incheon.
During the visit students will take part in language classes and gain a cultural understanding of South Korea. They will also gain the skills and experience to thrive in the global workplace of the future with a focus on the green agenda and Industry 4.0 – a major area of economic growth in South Korea. Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, is the innovative development of automation in manufacturing methods and industrial practices using smart technology.
CCCG has committed half of the places on the trip to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Two thirds of the group’s students come from the lowest three bands of social deprivation and around 500 have special educational needs and disabilities. Seungeun Chang, Head of International Development and Operations, said: “This unmissable visit to South Korea will give 30 of our learners the chance to study and experience a dynamic global economy and recognised leader of the fourth industrial revolution.
“Those participating will gain vital skills, knowledge and behaviours to thrive in the workplace of the future, while also having the chance to immerse themselves in South Korean culture, giving them a rich experience that will undoubtedly have a significant and long-lasting impact on their lives.”
CCCG comprises City and Islington College, Westminster Kingsway College and the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, and apprenticeship and training provider Capital City College Training.
In August, CCCG began a 16-week online programme for 27 students from the South Korean colleges including English lessons, employability skills and study in either Hospitality and Culinary Arts or Creative Media Production.
CCCG is planning to host a further 20 students from KMCU under a scheme sponsored by the Ministry of Education in South Korea.
Seungho Park, President of KMCU, said: “We’re delighted to be partnering CCCG on this programme. Since 2016 we’ve been working with CCCG and sending our students to Westminster Kingsway College to study and learn about life in the UK. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to meet and work on projects with their peers from CCCG at our beautiful campus in Daegu. We are looking forward to welcoming the students from London and providing them with a great learning experience.”