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Students attend Islington Town Hall for reading competition

City and Islington College students took part in a Reading Ahead Challenge event on Wednesday 22 May, an initiative organised annually by college centre libraries in tandem with Islington Libraries to promote recreational reading. 

Students attend Islington Town Hall for reading competition

Students who took part in the challenge read six books, poems or articles and completed a reading diary culminating in May with a ceremony at the Islington Town Hall. Participants were presented with a certificate by the Mayor of Islington and entered into a prize draw. 

This year’s ceremony saw an encouraging turnout of students at the Town Hall, including an entire Level 2 Creative Media class from the Centre for Business, Arts and Technology accompanied by tutor Angela Slocumbe. Library team leader Claudio Oyarzun said, “It has been great to see the students enjoying the experience and being proud of their achievement.

“This year the ceremony was particularly nice with a good attendance of proud students who completed the challenge. This a flexible project so students of different levels and age groups can take part in it.”

For the second year running, students were among the prize draw winners, with Centre for Lifelong Learning catering student Hasina Hossain and creative media student Freddy Ray Burton each receiving a Kindle. The college libraries will also be handing out their own certificates and prizes to Reading Ahead participants after half term.

Centre for Lifelong Learning library team leader, Simon Nelson said, “We are delighted that our students across college continue to take part in Reading Ahead through the libraries. The recognition they were given at the Town Hall was thoroughly well deserved for the commitment they have shown.”


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