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Seven steps to sixth form and college interview success

You’ve applied to study at college or sixth form and you have been invited to an interview. Don’t panic! Follow this short guide to secure an offer.

Seven steps to sixth form and college interview success

Preparing for an interview for sixth form or college can seem a daunting task for many students.

At Capital City College Group (CCCG) we will support you every step of the way and find the right course and career pathway for you. Whatever your skills, background and qualifications or interests, we will make sure you receive a conditional or unconditional offer to study at one of our colleges.

Here’s our seven steps to prepare for your college interview and what to expect.

Consider all your options

Before attending an interview, consider the options that are available to you. If you’re about to complete your GCSEs, you have a choice of studying A Levels or a technical or vocational qualification such as a T Level or BTEC, or an apprenticeship.

Discuss your future

If you’re looking to study A Levels, we’ll talk to you about what you’re looking to study at university, the entry criteria and the subjects you need to take. With technical or vocational qualifications, we might look at why you’ve chosen a particular course, your career aims and previous experience.

Prepare portfolios

Bring a portfolio with samples of your work, particularly if you’re looking to take a creative subject such as art and design, fashion or media. Sometimes performing arts and music courses will ask you to audition with a pre-prepared piece.

Be punctual

Arriving early for the interview will give you enough time to compose yourself and avoid a last-minute rush. Being punctual also shows that you respect the interviewer’s time.

Show enthusiasm

During the interview, show enthusiasm and passion for the course and the college. Show that you have done your research and that you are genuinely interested in studying there.

Be honest

Honesty is key. Avoid exaggerating your achievements or lying about your experiences. If you don’t know the answer to a question, it is better to be honest and admit it.

Ask questions

Prepare questions to ask the interviewer. You might want to ask questions about the course, work placements, careers advice extracurricular activities or the admission process.

Find out more about College Life with CCCG here.


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