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Coding school 01Founders launches new Software Developer Apprenticeship

Coding school 01Founders has officially launched a new apprenticeship alongside its innovative tuition-free courses to drive forward tech careers.

Coding school 01Founders launches new Software Developer Apprenticeship

01 Founders was formed in 2021 and is part-owned by Capital City College Group (CCCG), London’s largest further education provider, which is responsible for a fifth of apprenticeship starts in the capital.

Employers were invited to find out more about the new Software Developer Level 4 Apprenticeship at a Let’s Talk Apprenticeships event at CCCG’s Regent’s Park Centre on 19 July.

Apprentices will initially spend 9-12 months at the free coding school where they will gain skills through gamified projects and peer-to-peer learning instead of being teacher led.

They will then spend the next 12-18 months in paid employment on the apprenticeship, earning a minimum of £21,000 a year, while continuing their training with 01Founders.

Many of the students who have been learning coding skills with 01Founders over the past year are now looking to move on to the apprenticeship to gain more experience.

Jackie Chapman, CEO of 01Founders, said: “We are leading a tech education revolution, spotting untapped talent and welcoming everyone regardless of age, background, culture or education.

“We test individuals for aptitude and ability in a way that removes all other barriers. In our first two years 450 individuals have experienced our three-week intensive sprints and 200 have joined a full-time programme.

“Our students are pioneers, using a peer-to-peer pedagogy to learn how to learn and problem-solve across a range of coding languages, which is essential in an ever-changing tech industry.

“Our apprentices are also unique. They have spent at least 900 hours with 01Founders, learning key skills and coding languages before they start their apprenticeships and are ready for the challenge.”

The apprenticeship will be built around individual business requirements and tailored to employers’ specialisms, such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and web development, with training costs funded through the Apprenticeship Levy and no recruitment charge to the company.

Apprentices will be required to complete an end point assessment to demonstrate their skills against national standards and to gain their Level 4 qualification.

Coding school 01Founders launches new Software Developer Apprenticeship

Among the companies and organisations at the launch were the Greater London Authority, UCL, West London Institute of Technology, HDR, SSL, Quantum Group, Khiliad, Amnick, TechSkills, Timeless IMS, Turnbull and the Society for Entrepreneurial Education and Development.

The launch was held in partnership with Tech London Advocates Women in Tech and included a talk by its co-chair Suki Fuller on the benefits of joining the membership body.

Attendees also heard from Anthony Impey, Chief Executive of Be the Business, on why apprenticeships are important to SMEs, and from Laura Giddings, Impact and Stakeholder Manager at Birmingham Digital Futures and Founder of The STEM Project, who spoke about recruiting women into tech.

Matt Kingswood, CEO of The Digital College, explained why the industry needs apprentices, and Susie Lupescu, Operations Manager at Giotech, shared how apprentices had a positive impact on the global IT company.

Attendees were also given advice on how SMEs can secure apprenticeship funding from Ajay Purbhoosing, Senior Account Manager at online recruitment business WorkWhile.

Students who have been undertaking the 01Founders programme also spoke at the event and used the opportunity to network with many of the employers present.

01Founders was co-founded by Brent Hobermann, the name behind online brands including and, and is powered by 01 Edu technology.

If you are looking for a coding career, find out more about 01Founders and apply here.

If your company is looking to recruit the next generation of coding talent through apprenticeships,  please contact the 01Founders  business team at


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