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Centre for Applied Sciences Develop New Sustainability Programme

City and Islington College has announced plans to develop an innovative sustainability plan in collaboration with the Green Schools Project.

Centre for Applied Sciences Develop New Sustainability Programme

The Green Schools Project (GSP) develops environmental programmes in schools, currently working with 250 students and affecting circa 19,000 young people. This will be the first time the organisation has worked directly with a dedicated Further Education institution and presents an exciting opportunity for the college to learn from the GSP’s unique reach.

Starting in October 2019, students at the Centre for Applied Sciences will be able to volunteer to conduct an environmental audit of the college, with the support of an undergraduate studying a relevant degree at a top London University. The aim of the programme will be initially to identify projects deserving of attention across the college – for example, plastic use and recycling, energy efficiency and recycling options.

City and Islington College identified support for the programme following student campaigning across Islington earlier this year. In March, students from the Sixth Form College collected signatures as part of the Friends of the Earth outreach programme to change local attitudes to plastic use. The college has embraced the ethos of its students, since introducing fountains and switching to paper and recycled plastic cups.

Programme leader Lucy Chapman, Lecturer in Dyslexia Support and Inclusive Learning at CAS, said: “The Green Schools Project is an opportunity to develop a culture of enrichment at the centre. Students care about sustainability and there is a lot of research into this across the college, so modelling that into a formal project-orientated programme is the goal.

“Our Animal Management courses already have modules on sustainability, and Engineering has to look at where materials come from and go, so not only is this ethically a nice idea but gives students experience relevant to their studies, too.”

City and Islington College hope to extend the project to other centres across Capital City College Group if the pilot year is deemed a success.


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