CANDI students and staff enjoy fun day to celebrate cultural diversity - CCCG Tracking Pixel
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CANDI students and staff enjoy fun day to celebrate cultural diversity

Students and staff at City and Islington College (CANDI) celebrated their differences when they enjoyed a fun-packed culture day to mark the end of the academic year.

CANDI students and staff enjoy fun day to celebrate cultural diversity

The vibrant and colourful event was suggested by students as part of the college’s You Said, We Did initiative and took place at its Centre for Lifelong Learning in Finsbury Park.

Many students and staff came to college dressed in the traditional costumes of their home countries or cultural background and performed national dances.

They also played games and posed for pictures in a giant photo frame and enjoyed tasty treats including popcorn, cupcakes and fruit kebabs.

The day also included a raffle for Children in Need with 16 prizes up for grabs.

CANDI students and staff enjoy fun day to celebrate cultural diversity

Student Engagement Officer Roz Miah said: “The weather was beautiful, everyone had lots of fun. My special thanks to the students and the members of student services team who supported and helped to create the event.”

CANDI offers a wide programme of enrichment activities throughout the year.

Find out more about Student Life at the college here.


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