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Other Skilled Trades Career Details

About this Career

£ 27,610 Median Salary
New workers start at around £12,057. Normal pay is £27,610 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £40,623.
802 Jobs in Greater London
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Greater London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.

Daily Tasks

  • Makes and repairs jewellery and decorative precious metal ware, sets, cuts and polishes gemstones and makes master patterns for articles of jewellery.
  • Makes musical instruments, makes and assembles parts for musical instruments, and tunes to improve pitch, tone and volume.
  • Makes patterns for moulds, fits metal castings, pours plaster, fills plaster mould with resin and smooths surface.
  • Makes, maintains and adapts surgical and orthopaedic appliances.
  • Makes children’s toys, dolls, models, candles, artificial flowers and other fancy goods.
  • Charges fireworks, cartridges and other munitions with explosive material.
  • Interweaves canes of willow, withy, bamboo, rattan or similar material to make baskets and other pieces of wickerwork.
  • Makes wigs, beards and other artificial hairpieces from human hair or synthetic materials.
  • Constructs and covers wire frames for lampshades.
  • Uses hand or machine tools to engrave letters, patterns and other designs on jewellery and stoneware.

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