What is the purpose of this qualification?
The Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Digital Media is designed around practical skills and tasks that allow learners to demonstrate what they can do rather than what they know in theory.
The qualifications allow learners to acquire and develop generic, transferable, and sector-specific skills to complete tasks and demonstrate a level of achievement that enables them to progress to further learning.
Who is this qualification for?
The Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Digital Media is for 16-18yrs and EHCP learners who want to continue their education and develop their skills for progression to further learning and, ultimately, to employment.
What does this qualification cover?
The content of these qualifications has been developed in consultation with further education colleges and other providers to ensure that the qualifications support progression to further learning and training. All learners taking these qualifications will study core units that focus on key transferable skills such as research and planning, time management, and working with others.
Learners will also take a number of sector units. The content of the sector units offers a broad introduction to the skills and knowledge within that sector, allowing the delivery to be practical and active to engage learners. For digital media, the units cover activities such as designing a digital product, creating storyboards, shooting moving images, and recording audio.
What could this qualification lead to?
This qualification prepares learners for further learning at a higher level in digital media. The development of transferable skills means that learners can also choose a study programme from alternative sectors. For example, these qualifications in digital media could lead to Pearson BTEC
Level 2 qualifications in the sector, for example, the BTEC Level 2 Technical Diploma in Digital Media Production and Level 2 qualifications in other sectors.
How does this qualification enable learners to progress?
The mode of delivery and assessment in the units is designed to build awareness of a sector and the skills required to work in it. Learners will be given contexts and scenarios to help them develop skills and to acquire knowledge through application.
Learners will not develop all the knowledge and skills needed to enter the labour market in a given sector but will develop pre-employability skills and contextualised knowledge to allow them to progress to further learning and training and, ultimately, to become successful in their chosen sector.
Sept - Oct
Semester 1
Semester 2
This course is for learners aged 16-18yrs and or have an Educational Health Care Plan.
Learners need to have obtained an Entry Level 3 qualification or be ready to work at Level 1.
You will be assessed at the beginning of the course in the first instance and throughout the programme.
On completion of this course, you can progress onto a level 2 course.
Malcolm joined City and Islington College in 2022 as a Special Educational Needs Lecturer at the Finsbury Park Centre, teaching mainly ICT and Digital Media but also other vocational courses, Maths and English.
He began his teaching career in 2017 at Croydon College, as an unqualified teacher and Learning Support Assistant, teaching Business, Maths, English, and Employability courses, specialising in special educational needs and studying for his PGCE teaching qualification. Before teaching. Malcolm spent 30 years in the city as an investment banker in increasingly senior roles.
As an expert in emerging markets, he travelled extensively in Europe, Africa and Asia advising governments and companies on raising money in the international markets to build new factories and industrial projects. Latterly, he led teams of experts in privatising companies in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, as they moved to market economies.
Passionate about teaching and education, Malcolm is very ambitious for his students, focussing on building their skills and abilities in the things they are good at. He is determined to help them get into worthwhile and long-term jobs in the tech industries and is constantly researching and talking to employers about work experience, internships, and jobs. He brings to these initiatives, commitment, a never-say-die attitude and a great sense of humour, all attributes equally important in a lifelong supporter of Carlisle United.
The teachers listed may change, these shown are an example of the teachers who teach on these programmes.