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Human Resources Apprenticeships

Study a Human Resources Apprenticeship in London and gain a comprehensive qualification in both theory and practice, all while working in a business environment.

As a Human Resources (HR) Apprentice, you’ll gain a valuable skill set which allows you to work in a wide range of businesses. Our HR apprenticeships are developed with employers, giving you a wide range of work experience opportunities to learn while in the role.

To work as an HR Apprentice, you will need to have a good understanding of HR disciplines. You will often be required to make decisions and recommendations based on what the business can or should do in a specific situation. You may also be influencing managers to change their thinking as well as bringing best practices into the organisation. These apprenticeships can also involve leading the people-related elements of business or HR projects.

During these apprenticeships, you will learn the context and priorities of the business you are working with. In a larger organisation, you may be one of a team supporting the business and may also have responsibility for managing people.

Learn more about Apprenticeship Training at CCCG

What is an Apprenticeship

To apply for these Apprenticeship courses, you must be in employment. Please speak to your employer before applying for these courses. If you are not employed and would like to become an apprentice, please see our current Apprenticeship vacancies.

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