A Level Politics students arrange and host their own informative event in preparation for the General Election 2024.
Students at Capital City College (CCC)’s Sixth Form in Angel had the opportunity to find out about local election candidates’ parties and policies at a student-led hustings event within the college.
The hustings, which took place on 25 June, were run and chaired by the students from A Level Politics courses and attracted around 120 of their peers. The A Level Politics students arranged for local candidates from the Labour Party, the Green Party and the Liberal Democrats to visit the college.
During the event, local party candidates were invited to present their policies and key points from their party manifestos before taking questions from the floor. The students also took part in a mock General Election, giving them valuable experience in the voting process.
Daniel Lawrence, Head of Politics, said: “It’s all been run by our students, it’s been chaired by our students, students arranged to get the candidates in. We’re just standing back and watching it happen.”
Around half of the students who attended the event were eligible to vote in the upcoming general election, so the hustings and mock General Election enabled them to learn more about their local candidates and gain valuable insight into the voting experience.
For students voting for the first time in the upcoming General Election, we’ve put together a practical guide to voting.
If you’re not yet eligible to vote but are keen to become more politically engaged and change the world around you, take a look at our blog on 10 ways to get involved in politics.