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CCC students collaborate with sports charity Stand for Change

IT students from Capital City College took part in an informative and practical learning event as part of an ongoing collaboration with Stand for Change.

A group of 22 IT Level 3 National Extended Diploma students from Capital City College (CCC) refined their problem-solving and presentation skills as part of a unique collaboration with sports charity Stand for Change.

On 23 February, Patrick Spence, founder of sports charity Stand for Change, visited CCC’s Holloway centre to share his expertise and insight with students. Stand for Change is a charity working to end discrimination through systemic change in the culture across sports industries.

CCC students collaborate with sports charity Stand for Change

Patrick delivered a presentation and gave an inspiring talk detailing his business experience and explaining what he hopes to achieve with Stand for Change – a sporting culture in which all professional and elite sporting clubs, teams, competitions and organising bodies in the UK are fully representative of the communities they serve. 

Prior to the event, students had been set the challenge of improving the organisation’s current website by building on branding and targeting audiences to promote a positive message of equality and respect in sport. Before the students presented their projects, Patrick discussed the project brief and gave further insight into key aspects involved such as planning research methods and collecting primary data via polls or surveys.

CCC students collaborate with sports charity Stand for Change

The students then presented their findings and made well-informed recommendations for Stand for Change. During their presentations, they detailed their methodologies, research and planning stages and showed how they had used statistics and analysed data. They also offered a range of ideas for increasing engagement and awareness of relevant issues through branding and social media. 

The project allowed students to develop their teamwork and problem-solving skills allowing them to work with clear aims and objectives. Responding to the brief and explaining their work strengthened their presentation skills while providing the experience of engaging and interacting with an employer.

CCC students collaborate with sports charity Stand for Change

Patrick was impressed by the students’ approach to data gathering and presentation. He said: “It’s been a thoroughly enjoyable experience to hear these young students present credible material in such an eloquent and professional manner.”

Victoria Kilanko, Work Placement Officer, organised the event to give students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of key principles around collaboration and the world of work. She said: “It’s encouraging to witness the growth in confidence of the students as they pitch, present and eloquently handle questions put to them by the Founder of Stand for Change. collaborations like this are motivational and encourage aspiration in our students’”

The collaboration with Stand for Change will continue with monthly events hosted at CCC.

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