Understanding Mental Health - Level 3 Certificate - CCC Tracking Pixel Tracking Pixel
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Understanding Mental Health - Level 3 Certificate

Day: Any
Centre: Online
Duration: 5 Months
Cost: Free
Times: Online- Distance Learning

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About the Course

This qualification will focus on the study of mental health and well-being to support different occupations.

The objectives of this qualification are to help learners to understand:

  • Mental health legislation, services and public attitudes and how these have evolved
  • How to support mental well-being through various stages of life
  • Mental ill health, treatment options available and the potential consequences of mental ill health
  • The skills required to work in a mental health service

What Will I Study?

To be awarded the Understanding Mental Health - Level 3 Certificate, learners are required to successfully complete 5 mandatory units:

  • Unit 01: Understanding the context of mental health and wellbeing
  • Unit 02: Promotion of mental health and wellbeing
  • Unit 03: Mental health problems: associated issues and consequences
  • Unit 04: Understanding mental ill health
  • Unit 05: Working in mental health

What Will I Need?

To enrol with us you must:

  • Live in London or a non-devolved area of England
  • Be aged 19 or over
  • Be able to provide current proof of JSA, IS, UC or ESA or proof of salary. You will be contacted and asked to complete a short English assessment and enrolment, on-line or at the college
  • Be able to provide a British or Irish Passport with three years’ residency in the EU/EEA


  • Have a European Union Settlement Scheme residence (EUSS) with three years’ residency in the EU/EEA and UK and have lived in the UK prior to 31 December 2020


  • Have a biometric residence card permitting study in the UK along with having lived in the UK for the at least the last three years


You will be required to complete the course assessment which is based on portfolios of evidence for each mandatory unit and one assignment for each chosen optional unit.

What Can I Do After?

Successful completion of this qualification will support progression into relevant employment within the health and social care sector.

Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to:

  • Level 3 Award in Awareness of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
  • Level 3 Certificate in Working in the Health Sector
For more information please contact dl@capitalcct.ac.uk.

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