Do you want to learn how to support Allied Health Professionals?
Would you like to learn how to implement therapeutic activities to support service users in their daily lives? If so, this T level is for you!
The Allied Health Professions (AHPs) comprise of 14 distinct occupations including art therapists, dietitians, drama therapists, music therapists, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, osteopaths, paramedics, physiotherapists, podiatrists, prosthetists and orthotists, diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers, and speech and language therapists.
Studying this T level will enable you to help registered practitioners deliver healthcare services to adult patients in a variety of settings. Accordingly, you will become proficient at carrying out a range of clinical and non-clinical healthcare or therapeutic tasks that are required in a healthcare setting.
In the first year of the Health T Level, you will learn a range of topics that will boost your knowledge in scientific practices, person-centred care, infection control, following legislation and current guidelines. In addition, you will also learn core science content relating to health care.
During industry placement, you will learn how to apply content that you have learnt to practice, as well as shadowing and learn basic clinical skills. Finally, Maths, English and Digital skills will be integrated within the qualification and will be applied in occupationally relevant contexts.
In the final year of studies, you will apply what you have learnt to support Allied Health Professionals through therapeutic activities as well as providing advice and guidance to service users. You will learn through classroom-based learning and industry placement to understand how to assist with clinical and non-clinical tasks such as; moving and handling, taking physiological measurements, applying clinical risk assessments and applying therapeutic activities. In Year 2 you will start to apply these skills within the workplace.
You will need:
In Year 1 you will be assessed through:
In Year 2 you will be assessed through:
If you will be aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31st August prior to the start date of your course and you have the legal right to remain in the UK for the duration of your programme then your study with us will be free. Please see here for the documents you will need to show us.
Some courses will have other associated costs, such as for specialist materials and trips. Many of our students are eligible for financial support, see here for details.
Students will be required to wear uniforms in college and on placement.
By completing this T level students will be able to: