Why do individuals behave the way they do? Why do entire cultures have such diametrically opposed attitudes to social issues from each other? A Level Psychology is an exciting course that introduces you to the scientific study of human behaviour, while also helping you learn how to plan and conduct your own research.
Psychology explores the idea of 'nature vs. nurture'; is our behaviour determined by biological factors, or the environment we are exposed to? For example, how infant-caregiver relationships influence people's lives, how our memory works (or doesn't), and what makes some people criminals and not others.
You will also learn about the role of biology in influencing our behaviour, set against psychological explanations for mental health issues including depression, phobias, OCD and schizophrenia. In addition, you will study how culture and gender influence our ways of thinking. Throughout the course, you will be learning about how to plan and conduct research in psychology, and how to mathematically analyse your results.
Topics covered can include:
- Social influence
- Memory
- Attachment
- Psychopathology
- Approaches in Psychology
- Biopsychology
- Research methods
- Issues and debates in psychology
- Gender
- Schizophrenia
- Forensic psychology
Sixth Form College
You will need:
- Grade 5 or above in GCSE Maths
- Grade 5 or above in GCSE Science (if you study triple Science, the grade 5 or above must be in Biology)
- Grade 5 or above, and at least one grade 6 or above, in GCSE English Language plus one other written subject such as History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Media Studies, Religious Studies, Drama and Film Studies
- A further GCSE at grade 4 or above
If you wish to study 4 A Levels, you will need 7 GCSEs at grade 7 or above, including two at grade 8.
All applicants must have an interview to confirm that A Levels are suitable for them.
When applying for an A Level programme at our Sixth Form College, please refer to the general entry requirements on our A Level courses page as well as the subject-specific details listed above.
The course is assessed by three exams at the end of the second year.
Aged 16-18
If you will be aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31st August prior to the start date of your course and you have the legal right to remain in the UK for the duration of your programme then your study with us will be free. Please see here for the documents you will need to show us.
Some courses will have other associated costs, such as for specialist materials and trips. Many of our students are eligible for financial support, see here for details.
Psychology is a broad subject, and it can lead to many career pathways including medicine, law, human resources, physiotherapy, counselling, teaching, and many more.
of people went into Higher Education after completing the course