Medical Science is the science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of diseases. This Medical Science course is for learners who are interested in careers related to healthcare and medical research. Medical scientists are at the forefront of healthcare services, as they are vital in the diagnosis of disease, determining the effectiveness of treatments and searching for new cures
Unit 1 - Human Health and Disease
1 Understand biological principles
2 Understand the function of human physiological systems
3 Understand how external factors impact the body
4 Be able to report on human health
Unit 2 – Physiological Measurement Techniques
1 Understand the function of physiological measurement tests
2 Understand how to deal with patients
3 Be able to carry out physiological measurement tests
4 Be able to report on physiological measurement testing
Unit 3 – Medical Science Research Methods
1 Understand research methods
2 Be able to collect data
3 Understand data analysis
4 Be able to process data
5 Be able to communicate information
Ethical Evaluation
Unit 4 – Medicines and treatment of disease
1 Understand the management of medicines
2 Understand how medicines work
3 Understand the principles of treatment of cancer
4 Be able to provide information about medicines
Unit 5 – Clinical Laboratory Techniques
1 Understand clinical testing
2 Be able to carry out clinical laboratory techniques
3 Be able to process data from clinical test
Unit 6 – Medical Case Study
1 Understand physiological information presented within case studies
2 Understand how physiological measurement techniques can be used to support diagnosis and treatment
3 Understand how medical research can help support diagnosis and treatment
4 Understand ways in which medical treatments can be used to treat diseases and disorders
5 Understand ways in which clinical measurement techniques can be used to support diagnosis and treatment
You must have:
Minimum entry requirements in GCSEs
A reference from your previous school/college
All applicants must have an interview to confirm that this course is suitable for them.
When applying for an A Level programme at our King's Cross centre, please refer to the general entry requirements on our A Level courses page as well as the subject-specific details listed above.
Level 3 Applied Certificate in Medical Science
The Level 3 Applied Diploma in Medical Science consists of six units, of which units 1,2 and 3 are common with the Level 3 Certificate in Medical Science:
Year 12
Unit 1 is an exam which makes up 25 % of the diploma qualification.
Unit 2 is a non-exam assessment task which makes up 12.5% of the diploma qualification. This is marked by your teacher.
Unit 3 is a non-exam assessment task which makes up 12.5% of the diploma qualification. This is marked by your teacher.
Level 3 Applied Diploma in Medical Science
Year 13
Unit 4 is a non-exam assessment task which makes up 25% of the diploma qualification. This is marked by your teacher.
Unit 5 is a non-exam assessment task which makes up 12.5% of the diploma qualification. This is marked by WJEC.
Unit 6 is an exam which makes up 12.5 % of the diploma qualification.
If you will be aged 16, 17 or 18 on 31st August prior to the start date of your course and you have the legal right to remain in the UK for the duration of your programme then your study with us will be free. Please see here for the documents you will need to show us.
Some courses will have other associated costs, such as for specialist materials and trips. Many of our students are eligible for financial support, see here for details.
Careers with the Level 3 Applied Certificate/Diploma in Medical
This qualification equips you with scientific knowledge and understanding, as well as practical skills that would support progression to a range of job roles within health care. Job roles such as those within the areas of life sciences, i.e. carrying out a range of laboratory and scientific tests to support the diagnosis and treatment of disease, could include microscopic examination of tissue samples, analysis of blood cells to investigate anaemia or analysis of samples to identify the cause of an infection.
Alternatively, there would also be opportunities to progress to job roles within the physiological sciences, working directly with patients, measuring and evaluating particular organs and systems, such as scientists working in neurophysiology recording the electrical activity in the brain. A significant proportion of career opportunities in this sector are at degree level. When supported by other appropriate qualifications, the Level 3 Applied Certificate/Diploma in Medical Science will enable progression to higher education to a range of Applied Science programmes,