If you would like to study creative or digital media at university but left school without the qualifications you need, then this Access to HE course could be for you. Each year, over 20,000 Access to HE students apply for a degree course at a UK university; if you go on to complete a relevant degree at university, your Advanced Learner Loan will be written off by Student Finance England.
This course will help you get the qualifications you need to study creative and digital media, or a related course, at university.
You will learn study skills such as note-taking, essay writing, reading and research, preparation for exams and oral presentation.
You will be supported throughout the course by a personal tutor who will also give you guidance in applying for Higher Education courses.
Topics covered can include:
You will need:
All applicants must have an interview to confirm that the course is suitable for them.
This course is assessed through coursework assignments, tests and examinations throughout the course, which are set and marked by your teachers and externally moderated by OCN London.
Assessment is continuous over the whole year and is based on several set pieces of work such as essays, projects, presentations and tests.
If you will be aged 19 to 23 prior to the start date of your course, and do not already have a full Level 3 qualification, you may be eligible for a Level 3 entitlement, in which case your study with us will be free. Otherwise, you will have to pay the fees yourself or apply for an Advanced Learner Loan.
Please see here for the documents you will need to show us.
Some courses will have other associated costs, such as for specialist materials and trips. Many of our students are eligible for financial support, see here for details.
If you are aged 19-24 and this is your first Level 3 course, you may be eligible for free tuition.
If you are 24 years or older you will need to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan. Student Finance England will ‘write off’ any outstanding Advanced Learner Loan balances you owe for an Access to HE course once you complete a higher education course. This means you do not have to repay it if you complete your University degree course.
Once you have completed your Access to HE course, you can progress to a Higher Education degree at a university or college.
You should check requirements for specific degree courses - different Higher Education institutions may have different entry requirements for similar courses.