This course is awarded by Staffordshire University, with progression through to level 6.
This Computer Science degree combines a solid grounding in computer science fundamentals with flexibility and choice through option modules. The teaching facilities are supported by extensive networked specialist computing labs with the latest software which you’ll need to exploit the discipline.
The course is a validated Staffordshire University undergraduate program and is designed with input from Google, Amazon, and Cisco, and in choosing modules you can elect to study for certifications from both Amazon and Cisco, as well as Microsoft. The course will prepare you to enter a range of employment roles related to the wider area of computer science. A varied and multi-specialism core curriculum will allow you to work on projects across several areas.
This course will give you the chance to become a computer science specialist in many areas of the discipline. To develop your knowledge and understanding further you’ll also have the opportunity to complete an industrial placement between the second and third year of your course.
You can choose options in areas such as:
With a focus on new and emerging technologies, the course is designed to align with industry growth and skills requirements of graduate employers. The University has extensive links with companies such as Microsoft, CISCO, Merakai, Juniper, Google, and Amazon (as examples), as well as many others. You will find on the course that we arrange regular visits from such companies to introduce new technologies and equally to deliver guest lectures for you to attend. London campus is benefiting from a significant investment in technology and resources for students studying cybersecurity and other computer science-related fields.
The first year, or Foundation Year, will be delivered at our Soho centre. The repurposed Soho centre will act as a beacon for world-class creative and digital sector provision, providing a talent pipeline of qualified and experienced individuals to access the fantastic career opportunities in these sectors. The following three years of this course will be delivered at Staffordshire University
Students will benefit from a combined teaching program where Staffordshire University London academics will co-deliver some modular content. Learning visits to the Staffordshire University London campus during the Foundation Year are embedded within the curriculum.
Find out more about years 1-3 at Computer Science - Staffordshire University London (
Upon successful completion of the study, Staffordshire University will issue you the BSc (Hons) in Computer Science award.
Foundation Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
We understand that you might have experienced a challenging run-up to higher education and may not have met the entry requirements listed. If this is the case don’t worry, please contact the Staffordshire University admissions team at
Learning Support
In addition to the excellent support you will receive from your course teaching team, our central Academic Skills team provides group and one-to-one help to support your learning in a number of areas. These include:
Additional Support
Our Student Inclusion Services support students with additional needs such as sensory impairment, or learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
For information on our Higher Education policies including admissions, fees, and student contracts, please see the links below:
For our full list of policies, governance and fees please visit our policy page.
This course is mainly assessed via coursework but does include a small number of exams. We have carefully designed assessments to assess the integrated approach to theory and practice that you’ll engage in within the Computer Science discipline.
Your coursework, carried out in response to assignments, project briefs or self-initiated proposals, will be presented in forms appropriate to that in the workplace, and will require you to work both individually and in teams in generating computing solutions to set problems. To back up your work, you will also write reports and deliver presentations. Formative assessment is carried out in tutorial and practical sessions and feedback is usually provided to you orally.
Foundation Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Your course will provide you with opportunities to test your understanding of your subject informally (through formative feedback) before you complete the formal assessments. Each module normally includes practice or ‘formative’ assessments for which you receive feedback from your tutor. Practice assessments are developmental and any grades you receive for them do not count towards your module mark but are essential for you to develop academically as a student.
There is a formal or ‘summative’ assessment at the end of each module and the grades from formal assessments count towards your module mark. You will normally receive feedback on coursework assessments within 20 working days following the date of submission. The feedback you receive will help to focus you to achieve better grades on the next set of modules you study.
If you will be aged 19 to 23 prior to the start date of your course, and do not already have a full Level 3 qualification, you may be eligible for a Level 3 entitlement, in which case your study with us will be free. If you are older, or already have a Level 3, we have many other Level 3 courses that are also free to study. Otherwise, you will have to pay the fees yourself or apply for an Advanced Learner Loan.
Please see here for the documents you will need to show us.
Some courses will have other associated costs, such as for specialist materials and trips. Many of our students are eligible for financial support, see here for details.
You must pay fees to study a Higher Education (HE) course. If you have not studied one previously, you may be eligible to apply for an HE loan. Other financial support such as maintenance loans and disability support are also available.
Please see here for the documents you will need to show us.
Some courses will have other associated costs, such as for specialist materials and trips. Many of our students are eligible for financial support, see here for details.
Tuition Fees: £9,250 per year of study (full-time).
Successful completion of this degree can lead to a wide range of jobs in computing. For example: