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Security Guards and Related Occupations Career Details

About this Career

£ 29,256 Median Salary
New workers start at around £3,803. Normal pay is £29,256 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £55,702.
5376 Jobs in Greater London
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Greater London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.

Daily Tasks

  • Greets and organises people attending court cases, ensures necessary parties are present, calls defendants and witnesses, directs oath taking and keeps order in the courtroom.
  • Patrols airport, checks passengers baggage, operates metal detectors and x-rays and assists in responding to emergency situations.
  • Watches for illegal fishing or attempted smuggling.
  • Ejects persons in illegal occupation of premises.
  • Calls in civil police and gives evidence in court where necessary.
  • Receives duty sheet, time-clock and keys for premises to be visited, checks locks, doors, windows, etc. and reports any suspicious circumstances to security headquarters.
  • Provides entry security, checks tickets, manages queues, takes entry fees, and escorts people from the premises where necessary in a variety of public venues such as nightclubs, pubs and bars.
  • Checks persons and vehicles entering and leaving premises, establishes their credentials and arranges for escorts for visitors.
  • Monitors, patrols and deals with security difficulties in hotels, factories, offices and other premises, and public or private estates to prevent theft and unauthorised entry.
  • Walks or rides near person requiring protection, watches for suspicious occurrences and defends guarded person from attack.

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