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Train and Tram Drivers Career Details

About this Career

£ 63,643 Median Salary
New workers start at around £36,972. Normal pay is £63,643 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £100,312.
802 Jobs in Greater London
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Greater London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.

Daily Tasks

  • May check travel passes, collect fares and deal with passenger queries.
  • May make passenger announcements and controls automatic doors.
  • Maintains radio contact with control centre.
  • Makes scheduled stops for the loading and unloading of freight and coupling/uncoupling of carriages and tubs.
  • Stops as directed to allow passengers to embark/ disembark.
  • Watches for track hazards, observes signals and temperature, pressure and other gauges.
  • Starts train or tram when directed and operates controls to regulate speed.
  • Checks safety equipment, regulates the heating of passenger compartments and records engine defects or unusual incidents on the journey.
  • Checks controls, gauges, brakes and lights before start of journey and studies route, timetable and track information.

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