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Architects Career Details

About this Career

£ 39,171 Median Salary
New workers start at around £21,066. Normal pay is £39,171 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £75,371.
940 Jobs in Greater London
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Greater London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.

Daily Tasks

  • Monitors construction work in progress to ensure compliance with specifications.
  • Prepares detailed scale drawings and specifications for design and construction and submits these for planning approval.
  • Analyses site survey and advises client on development and construction details and ensures that proposed design blends in with the surrounding area.
  • Studies condition and characteristics of site, taking into account drainage, topsoil, trees, rock formations, etc..
  • Liaises with client and other professionals to establish building type, style, cost limitations and landscaping requirements.

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